
Healing Our Children

It's heartbreaking when little ones are sick. My oldest gets so wretchedly weak that it truly breaks my heart.  She can't even walk to the bathroom without my help. It's amazing how my past mistakes, in regards to what I have fed her to what I have treated her with to my lifestyle/diet choices before and during pregnancy, have truly affected her. 

I can't change the past but moving forward I can make the best possible choices. 

Food of course being my number one factor. Food is medicine, I want to shout it from the roof tops! We can regenerate our organs by simply eating real, whole, pure foods. Cooking every meal from scratch is exhausting, there is no sugar coating it, but it is rewarding and so very beneficial. 

And then there are supplements and practices that help detox. Some of them being chlorella and spirulina (which can be taken in a tablet form - my babies won't tolerate the powdered stuff), cilantro (highly detoxifying, can be sprinkled onto salads, soups, rice and meat dishes), wild blueberries (thrown into a smoothie), dandelion and milk thistle teas (the best herbs for liver support which is our detox organ), just to name a few.

A bath with 1/2 cup of bentonite clay (dissolved into a glass jar with water first, then poured into bath) with 1/2 cup epsom salt or baking soda or both is an excellent way to detox. Skin brushing is also helpful. With a brush made for the task, made of natural fibers, brush the skin in an upward motion toward the heart, starting at the feet to detoxify the skin. Morning is best, followed by a shower. 

We are so bombarded with toxicity every single day. There are toxic chemicals in our furniture, shower curtains, air, food, and water. 

Also important is to promote healthy digestion and elimination. When children (and adults) are upset they shouldn't eat as digestion is harder to achieve. They shouldn't be yelled at, criticized, etc., when they are eating. It is a time of peace and tranquility. And they should be often reminded that when they have to go, they should go immediately. Getting waste out of our systems is of the utmost importance for obvious reasons.

Rest is also so, so important. It's the time when our bodies restore and heal.

Then there is emotional health. Speaking words of life to them is healing to their souls. If they have been told degrading things, it is never too late to apologize and refrain from further insults. 

There are so many factors in today's world trying to divide us from one another. Friend from friend, neighbor from neighbor, mother from daughter, husband from wife. Heaven forbid! 

Cuddling with good books, sharing nourishing meals, playing games, going for walks, praying; having uninterrupted, one on one, heart to heart talks; praise and worship, preparing for the Sabbath, sharing a pot of tea, are all wonderful things to do with our loved ones to connect and heal together.

Herbal Remedies for Pneumonia, Asthma, & Bronchitis

Asthma has to be one of the scariest childhood diseases. Couple it with pneumonia, and you can imagine the terrifying emergency trips to the hospital that our family has had to make.

First off, for our preemie baby girl (now age 5) I have noticed that a wet head can cause her to catch pneumonia. During the winter months I have to wash her hair during the daytime, followed by dressing her very warm, socks and all.  Any drafts she catches to her wet head can throw her into severe respiratory distress.

In her case I'm advised to steadily have her on a steroid, as a preventative. I wouldn't want to risk my baby's health for anything in the world, and that's why I personally sought out alternative, natural medicines to treat her respiratory issues.

Enter the above four natural remedies. They work so amazingly and powerfully well! I give her the oregano oil internally and externally. I open a capsule and rub it on her chest/lung area, you first have to test a patch of skin for possible allergic reactions and/or burning sensations. For the garlic, I make an oil by infusing some oil with it, then also rub on chest/lung area; alternating between using the oregano and garlic oils. I also cook with as much garlic as possible. The ginger I simply peel, chop and steep in some water for making a tea, I sweeten with raw, local honey. This particular elderflower already comes in a tea bag, which I only bought because I paid less than $2 at a store that is Amazon's dump site. Do you have one of those around you? It's worth finding out! I find amazing deals on things I already buy at crazy low, unrefined coconut oil for $3, simply organic spices $2/$3 a jar, Jason toothpaste $2. The list goes on, I love that place!

With these remedies I have been able to avoid antibiotics, hospital, and doctors visits. I am beyond grateful for natural medicine! Oh, how could I forget. I've had to edit to add turmeric to the list. Not pictured above but probably the star of the show...

This post wouldn't be complete without touching on the ever so important factor of food. I try to feed my girl as much raw food while she is sick, and in general. Lots of fresh fruit and veggies, and only home-cooked meals. It makes a difference!

Do you treat any illnesses at home? Please share your experiences and remedies!


The Easiest Shepherd's Pie and the DJ in My Life

My husband loves his music.... Here he is playing at a wedding.

He also loves meals such as shepherd's pie. I had never made it, but one day I made the simplest version of it and it came out so incredibly delicious.

I began by sauteing an onion in some olive oil (I used my 10" cast iron pan) then added some crushed garlic, then I browned some meat. I seasoned the meat with salt, pepper, garlic, and onion powder. I added homemade chicken stock and a tsp. of tomato paste and cooked the meat for about 30 minutes, keeping the liquid generous. I add my frozen veggies right on top and let them heat through with the beef.
Meanwhile in another pot I boiled around 8 halved, peeled potatoes. After 20 minutes or so, when fork tender, I drain them and prepare them for mashed potaotes. I add butter, raw milk, and sour cream until nice and creamy.

When all is fully cooked, I heap the potatoes onto the beef and veggies.

Then pop in pre-heated oven at 350 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes. I forgot to get a picture right away...
I don't know why I feel like I'm cheating with this meal. As if I'm taking some super short cut. Maybe it's the frozen veggies? Definitely the addition of homemade stock gives it a long-cooked taste.

It's nutritious and filling and delicious.


A Little Humorous Discipline

My youngest daughter Olivia was born very sick after an amazingly trying time in utero. No doctor believed she would survive, but she did. And that led me to allow this little one to do as she pleased for quite some time. All the while finding her the most precious, cutest thing in the world.

Until about a year ago, it backfired on me big time. She began to yell at me, smack me, and throw the most tremendous tantrums. She is the feistiest little thing if there ever was one!

Still, because of her history, I kept my cool. But something had to change. She needed to be disciplined - she needs to learn self-discipline. This one thing has helped me so much that I wanted to share it. It may not work for another strong-willed child and there are times when even she doesn't want to hear it, but for the most part it has been successful. (Though even when it doesn't work, she is still now much more respectful.) And though I've had people tell me: that would never work for my child... I do hope people try it, but you've got to be convinced yourself and be genuine about it.

Humor. I use humor to calm her down. She gets comforted by my silliness. Not overly silly, just enough to show her: it's okay baby girl, we'll get through this.

It's exhausting, too. When I just want to say: no, Olivia, you can't have a cookie until you eat your supper..and instead I say: sure you may have a cookie my darling, that's why I made them! but first we'll eat supper and then I'm gonna eat youuuuuuu nom nom nom..and I chase her or something like that. It may seem dramatic, but if I went with the "no cookie until after supper" I could hear a wretched cry for 30 minutes straight.

Also, I rarely start a sentence with "no." The truth is that no isn't usually the answer, it's usually "not now" which is much easier to accept. Of course there are times when the answer is a very serious "no" and when it is I stop to think how I can use my words to not discourage her. This is something very personal for each family. I know plenty of people that would not bother to sugar coat something for their toddler because, well, that's's not always pretty and they need to know that. Culture can also play a role. So everyone must find their own way. Physical touch is also a huge comfort to her. Though she may push me away at first she almost always softens to my touch.

I believe this works because it's not condescending. I'm being real with her. Though I don't want to hear the crying, and I may be stressed out at the moment, I do love her and want to help her navigate her emotions. Hers run very, very high.

I've found this works with all my children, but I'm flexible when it comes to communicating with them since they are individuals and in my book they are the "experts" I should listen to when it comes to their own feelings; feelings they can barely express. But with some prayerful intuition I can learn of them and help them with expression and understanding the reason and meaning behind respect and obedience.

It's also so important for me to get down to their level when speaking to them, or at least being in front of them instead of yelling from another room. This makes a huge difference. And of course, I have to remember respect goes both ways. Plenty of children are disrespected all the time.

Also going into long stretched-out explanations is not needed. I notice the longer I try to explain or reason with a small child, the more their emotions escalate. A simple sentence and a warm rub on the back is usually all it takes. Sometimes she stomps away to her room and yells her head off for awhile but if I leave her to be she always emerges shortly and "over it." But if I continue to try and justify to her, I prolong the tantrum substantially.

Thankfully, I don't have to be a perfect mother to be successful! Whew! I'm genuine, caring, and teachable. We all have our own strengths to draw from and weaknesses to learn from. It's a precious journey once I see it for what it is - a very short span of time.

*****I have my moments where I say "no!" and don't exercise gracious motherly manners (lol) but I do crave different patterns for my children so I seek them, and when I fail, I just dust myself off and get back up. 


The Healing Garden

So many of us were raised in ways that caused us to grow into destructive mind sets which has led to empty, depressed living. Lots of us have continued the cycle within our own families, though we see the wrong, habit has a stronger hold. 

But it doesn't have to be this way. By the power of Almighty God, our chains are unbound, our minds are set free, and our hearts are nurtured with the balm of redemption and unconditional love.

Join me here while I flesh out in many different ways how we, as God's children, can have a new life. A sort of re-birth where we begin to heal and offer those coming after us a chance at a healthy upbringing. Will we offer perfection? No. But success shouldn't equal perfection. We long to be givers of the same grace that we receive. The love that holds us together is the string we can use to connect us to the hearts of the ones we love most dearly - the ones that unfortunately feel the pain of our scars.

Basil Facial & A Little Romance

Basil is not only known for its culinary pizzazz but also for its anti-aging properties. It's high in vitamins and has anti-inflammatory (great for arthritis) and antibacterial properties. It can help prevent damage and break-down of the skin while boosting cell growth. It's a rejuvenating, nourishing choice to use on the face and while it may seem a superfluous act to make a face tonic, I do love them and really notice a difference with my skin. And they're great for date-nights.

Basil Facial
20-30 fresh Basil leaves

Crush basil leaves releasing their oils (mortar and pestle work perfect). I like to crush it to a pulp, to that perfect consistency where the oil has caused a shine, and it looks like dark green goodness. Apply to face and leave on for 10 minutes or so. For an added boost you could add in 1tsp organic yogurt.

Basil Toner
1 cup boiling water
3 tbsp of fresh or 3 tsp. dried basil
2 tsp witch hazel

Boil water, remove from heat,  add basil and cover. Steep until completely cool, strain liquid into clean bottle, then add in the witch hazel. Apply with a cotton cloth or ball. Store it in the refrigerator for up to a week.
The results are so worth the five minutes it takes to make and it's seriously a blessing to my day when I have some in the fridge; it's really refreshing!

With my husband and I in a season where our dates consist of something I conjure up right at home, spa nights are my fool-proof go to.  He loves all this stuff..massages, facials, foot soaks...

And the reason why it's easily feasible to implement a simple date-night-like vibe without over-planning...or getting awkward (because some stuff is just corny) - is the atmosphere. The mood is set, it's the usual glow. Oil is burning (maybe ylang ylang, lavender, and geranium or cedarwood - which he really likes and promotes relaxation and groundedness) candles are lit or  little, bitty lamps are around. There's body oil. Maybe good finger food is at hand. And with this background, we could swing any way toward an actually therapeutic night of relaxation, fun, or the silent sacred.


Chasteberry Tincture {For Menstrual Regulation & Fertility}

I have had hormone issues for as long as I can remember. This is one of the things that works to help regulate me: my cycle and my PMS Symptoms. It may also boost fertility.

What you need:

Vitex Berries
Clean, Dry Jar
80 to 100 proof alcohol (I used Brandy)
Cheesecloth or old t-shirt

Note: When this tincture is added to a tea the alcohol will evaporate and all that will remain will be the constituents of the herb. This can also be done with glycerin or vinegar.

You don't have to, but I like to ground up my herbs a bit before adding them to my jar.

Fill Jar half way with your herb; add alcohol to the top of the jar. Stir and then shake, completely drenching the berries with the liquid. Place in a cool, dark place for 6 to 8 weeks, giving it a good shake  daily.
Using a cheesecloth or old t-shirt strain into a dark, glass bottle and label with the following information: Species used, Latin name (good practice if you'd like to begin remembering the Latin names,) strength of solvent, and date. Store in a cool, dry place. If stored properly it should keep for many years.
For more info go here.

***** I am not a medical professional, just a woman who loves to do research and use herbs. Please do your own research.